Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Importance Of Tracking Links

Do you want to know how to get better results from your affiliate marketing business?

Tracking your links will only take a few minutes of your time each day. By doing this simple step every day, you will be able to see where you need to advertise more heavily and where you need stop adverting.

Tracking your web traffic is one of the best tools you can use when trying to make money through affiliate marketing. Web hosting companies provide you with this simple tool that you should use each day to determine where your customers are coming from. Affiliate programs that are successful use this tool in order to know where to advertise and where not to advertise. Why spend your time advertising to certain markets that are not responding? This is a waste of your time and will not yield you much money.

Each day, check to see where your traffic is coming from and visit these areas. Add more banners, create additional blog entries, or write articles that will be seen by those who will find the link to your web site. This will help search engines find your web site. This is a surefire way to generate more income for your affiliate programs.

You need to connect with markets that will buy from the companies you are earning commissions from. Why sell to those who are clearly not interested? You will end up spending more money in advertising than you will make!

Once you have found the markets that are constantly buying from your link, you will need to update your web site every few weeks. Fresh content will always keep viewers coming. This also means updating your blog regularly. Affiliate programs stay in business by always being visible to those who are surfing the internet. This is an easy way to keep interest and encourage people to buy from your affiliate programs.

The key to making money online is to monitor your web traffic and advertise to those who have been known to buy. This is simple supply and demand. Do not waste your time during the day trying to market to a group of people that are obviously not interested in buying. While you should try to find new markets, do not spend your time on markets that are not biting.

Always be on the lookout for new markets to advertise in and when you find one, track it for a week or two to see if the customers are interested. If you don’t see any results, then find other advertising opportunities.

One final piece of advice: If you are having difficulty earning commissions from a company, drop them and find another company. There are plenty of affiliate programs out there and you should not spend your valuable time trying to sell a product that no one wants.


Anonymous said...

hi brian - great to hear from you again. i can't wait for the launch! can you email me and let me know when i should be ready?

good luck!

tony a.

Anonymous said...

I agree fully Brian.

The day I started TESTING was the day I really got an idea what was working and not working...and since then my turnover has almost doubled!

R.L. Atwood
Burbank, CA

Anonymous said...

I wish I had found you when I was starting out in 2003!

Thanks for your email the other day, appreciated it.

Hope the launch is as successful as people are saying it's going to be! I'll be there for sure, see you next Wednesday!

Eja Amador, UAE

Anonymous said...

it's sad that a lot of affiliates these days are just posting links on forums, crossing their fingers and hoping for the best.

the report offered on your site had some excellent analysis. i for one am looking forward to the REBIRTH of affiliate marketing!

victor shephard
bristol, uk